Li Han - Palais de Tokyo - Paris
" ... My name is Li Han. I study Fashion in Paris.
For me Fashion is a way of Life. Today my look
has a japanese touch. I love to eat and study Fashion.
I hate to be alone in daily life. My message to the world:
Do your best ! ..."
I wear a jacket designed by myself
Hat by H&M
All the rest of my outfit from Hong Kong
My bag is a gift from my mother
Perfume by D
Blouson Noir Girl - Paris
Dans les années 60, les "Blousons Noirs" désignaient des "Bandes de Voyous"
qui aimaient bien se battre avec des chaînes de vélos, le soir dans les environs
de Pigalle ou de la Bastille ... Aujourd'hui, c'est un classique des garde-robes
pour les filles comme pour les garçons. Le problème est surtout de trouver
le modèle qui vous convient fait d'un cuir de bonne qualité, à un prix abordable,
quelle que soit la marque ...
Mlle Haruka - Palais de Tokyo - Paris
J'ai croisé 2 fois Mlle Haruka (voir la photo ci-dessous).
Elle est étudiante en Mode et en français à la "Japan Woman University".
Ses efforts pour écrire en français sur son "Palais de chaillot" sont très touchants,
même si son style est assez particulier. J'aime le côté énigmatique
qui se dégage de certaines jeunes femmes japonaises.
Uliana Sergienko - Les Tuileries - Paris
Uliana Sergienko, toujours d'une élégance extrême,
est très appréciée des photographes de la Fashion Week
(quand elle est de bonne humeur).
Mes photos précédentes d'elle figurent sur des dizaines de blogs
de mode qui ne créditent jamais mes photos et ne demandent
jamais mon autorisation pour les publier. C'est vraiment
Elle porte ici un superbe "Leica M7" en édition limitée
comme un accessoire de Mode ...
The Twins - Rue de Rivoli - Paris
Lindsay Lohan is a stalker, or is it difficult to crack under stress?
Lindsay Lohan "Stalker. " Therefore, she says. This is apparently a stalker and the text called and said, "insulting" material in its restoration. Well ... Who was it? I know it was one of the females. Do not look! I think my anger in the family Crackhead in these pages is limited. Why should I call and say that I cut into his audience, if I could spend time thinking about your own photos of David Gundy? He was one of you bitches, I know.
Fear of its target of a stalker Lindsay Lohan - and the danger is so real that people in the Betty Ford steps to protect your ... TMZ has learned.
Sources familiar with the situation told TMZ Lindsay, phone calls and text messages from unknown numbers - and inadvertently make disparaging remarks about his recovery ... and your family.
More worryingly, the stranger said that he / she knows where Lindsay lives and watches.
We are told Betty Ford officials are so concerned, he transferred his famous patient safety, private institutions.
We are also told, BF has limited travel by Lindsay, fear for their safety.
[From TMZ]
Well, I think it's another "more secure, private organization has these characteristics. Maybe in the network, which can be easily removed?
fire alarm broken door? Someone asks if these people eating some of the cracks, Lindsay finally in the" theft "on Christmas Eve and"forced "to go to the medicine" stalker "? This means stalker grater nonsmokers? If the smell of tequila stalker, cigarettes, and that" new smell lips? The bully is odd track that oozes orange? Because if this is true, you can "Stalker" Crack Head family.
Yanique - Rue Scribe - Paris
" ... My name is Yanique.
I work in E-Marketing.
For me Fashion plays a huge role in Self-Expression.
Today, my look is very rushed, kind of cow-boy or
something, but not planed ...
I love Food in Paris. I just discovered "Chocolate Religieuse"
and it's now my religion ! I hate parisian people when they are not
open sometimes. My message to the world: Relax and think
about the present ..."
I wear a Trench & Boots vintage.
My jeans are from Cheap Monday.
Bracelets from indian neighbourhood in Paris.
Hat from H&M men's department
Watch by Michaël Kors
Perfume by Lolita Lempicka.
Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry are over, and she threw him out
I told you not last long. Life & Style reports that Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry are ready, and that Kim was restored. According to sources, Kim thought it referred only to "help" "glory." Um ... What? Of course, leaning on the level of consciousness (often Gabe scandalous materials, such as Kim "Baby Daddy Halle Berry), but I think Kim is undoubtedly" famewhoring remains the de facto celebrity. "What if the drawer. I'm glad it's over. Supposedly.
budding romance with model Kim Kardashian, Gabriel Aubry, as suddenly as it began to Life & Style can not identify abandoned.
"Kim feels like Gabriel was only used for His glory," the late prime Kim says Life & Style. Moreover, Gabriel, 34, is older that looks like Kim, "the source said." They therefore decided to do. "
Kim wasted no time in regrets. She began with Chris Humphreys, a basketball player 25 years for the New Jersey Nets.
"Kim loves you more than Gabrielle," a connoisseur of life and style. "Okay, the funny and cute. It's perfect for what Kim wants now some fun and moments of pleasure." And, of course, the athlete, the training models for the autumn Kim Scots.
So how serious they are? Duo went to lunch day at the restaurant Nobu in New York recently and saw Chris Kim play in Newark, New Jersey, November 29, then after the game to hang. But it was the star of 30 years is just a trip to New Jersey, the couple is that on 05 December at the bar of Maxwell was in Hoboken, New Jersey restaurants. Kim, who watch their weight, as he was filming in New York, the order (hold the bread), salad with goat cheese and a veggie burger!
"This is a real dynamic between them," the source added.
[From Life & Style]
You know what surprised me? Chris Humphries such white too! I am sure that Kim will be back with the boys in black. UPDATE: Oh, I said it was bi-racial. This makes sense.Is racist? I do not think - Kim seems to date black guys too.
It is shaped. But it seems that the exchange rate - the first gift, and now this kind of Chris. At least one athlete - like his type. And especially the "type" Kim crowded theater. You and Gabe are simply not enough drama among them - are expected to be out of control Baller.
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