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Dark knight rises

The Dark Knight Rises round-up
Casting news, where the shoot is heading next, the budget, and some discussion over who is paying the bill. It’s our The Dark Knight Rises round-up…

A few new bits and pieces surrounding The Dark Knight Rises have cropped up, so we figured it made sense to put them all together in one place. Which is what we've done. Here.

Firstly, then, some new casting news. Alon Aboutboul has signed up to feature in the film. He's an Israeli actor, known for the TV show Castle, as well as featuring in films such as Body Of Lies and Rambo III.

The news popped up at the Israeli website, Xnet, and apparently, Aboutboul is set to be playing one of the film's villains. This has opened up Hugo Strange speculation again, although that role has not been confirmed. We shall, no doubt, find out in due course.

As for the shoot itself, it's now moving from India to London, starting next week. According to Hollywood Chicago, the filming will take place on St John Street in London, where a building is currently being transformed into Gotham City Police Station.

Finally, on the business side of things, Warner Bros and its partner on the Nolan Batman movies, Legendary Pictures, are reportedly having one or two problems sorting out who is paying the bill for the film. The budget for The Dark Knight Rises will be in the $250m area, making it easily the most expensive of the Nolan Batman films to date. But Warner Bros is reportedly not keen to do the 50/50 split that it did on The Dark Knight, given that it's looking to take a bigger hold of the profits this time around.

The ramification of this is that Legendary has shared the risk on an assortment of blockbuster projects, from Jonah Hex and The Hangover through to Watchmen and Clash Of The Titans. Should the pair fall out? There's a chance that such genre movies may be a little less likely with just one party shouldering the risk.

We're sure it'll all be sorted out, mind, and the L.A. Times has more on the story.

The Dark Knight Rises is released in July 2012.